Sunday, May 17, 2020

Issues in Philippine Education - 1619 Words

Issues in Philippine Education: In Retrospect They say that education is the best social leveler. They say that it is the very answer to poverty, corruption, hate, and ignorance. If it really is like many people believe it is, then the study of the key educational, ergo curricular, issues in the Philippines is a significant endeavor that needs serious pair of eyes, ears and hands. According to the IBON Facts and Figures, the literacy rate in the Philippines has regressed a lot over the last ten years. This is attributed to the dwindling quality, relevance and accessibility of education—the very basic rights of the Filipino youth as etched vividly in the Constitution. Despite the good things that Department of Education has reported such as†¦show more content†¦This way, people can understand the state of education more and eventually face and nip the problems in the bud. Curriculum managers and educational experts are always looking for better ways to achieve better learning through teaching. However, since curriculum innovations seemed to be difficult for many, issues and concerns have been raised about curricular innovations. The newness of the idea to the users raises issues which need to be addressed. Certain aspects need to be clarified in order to overcome the attitude and feelings that create some concerns. Perter Oliva’s Developing the Curriculum (Seventh Edition) reveals 12 curriculum issues. These are 1. Academic Area Initiatives, 2. Alternative Schools, 3. Bilingual/Bicultural Education, 4. Censorship, 5. Gender, 6. Health Education, 7. Diversity, 8. Privatization, 9. Provision for Exceptionalities, 10. Religion in Public Education, 11. Scheduling Arrangements, and 12. Standards and Assessment Clearly, there is no discrete separation in these twelve categories. On one sense, they are all interrelated and bear close relationship with each other. Some items enumerated, however may not be fit for the Filipino audience. In the Curriculum Development book of Purita Bilbao et al., it enumerates a number of fitter and more relevant Curricular Issues and Concerns. 1. Poor AcademicShow MoreRelatedEducation Policy Issues in the Philippines2498 Words   |  10 Pageslargely on education.1 Consequently, it is agreed that the development of the human resources of a nation is the ultimate determinant of the country’s growth and development. Specifically, the country’s ability to develop the knowledge and know how of its people in order to make them productive contributors to the nations economy, determines to a large extent the â€Å"character and pace of its socio-economic development†2. 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